9 Must-Follow New Orleans Bloggers and Instagram Accounts
So I maybe I’m not a New Orleans native. It’s something hard for me to admit. I grew up in Baton Rouge, where I frequently spent nights and weekends shennanigizing (totally a word) the 24-hour Walmart with friends, or going to low-budget concerts in the warehouses of thrift stores (and getting heat stroke), sneaking out to abandoned docks to get the best view of the city lights on the river (don’t do this, it’s very illegal), or going to Blockbuster (back when they existed) and picking out the worst-looking movies to take home and commiserate with friends over. At the time, it was wonderful, and I couldn’t imagine what better things people could possibly find to fill their time with.
For your viewing pleasure, here's a photo of young me and my high school best friend, doing what we did best: being weird.
Looking back on it, I had some really great, creative, and amazing friends that I shared what would otherwise be an incredibly boring time. I was happy (more like anxious) to escape Baton Rouge as soon as I turned 18 and graduated high school. I literally drove to New Orleans and signed the lease on my new place.
Fast forward eight years and something like nine more lease signings, I consider myself a New Orleanian. And maybe I have no right to do so, but in that time I’ve been mugged, hit by a car while riding my bike (twice!), and had my car stolen. I’ve also walked home with the sunrise after dancing all night on Frenchmen, seen my share of bourbon boobs, and celebrated in the streets after a Saints Super Bowl victory. I’ve seen the city at its best (albeit sometimes saggy) and worst. It’s sometimes a hard city to love, but it’s also hard to leave.
With that being said, I was a bit flustered and surprised when trying to compile this list. Being a writer, I wanted to find other New Orleanians that write regularly about the city. I was surprised to find that there aren’t any bloggers here that have up-to-date stories. Google yielded lots of topical “New Orleans Guides” and “How-to New Orleans” from people who’ve visited the city, but generally live quite far away. While these guides were enjoyable, it just made me feel very… mannequin. Which I know is a weird way to describe it. But look up guides for you city-- you’ll undoubtedly come across the same problem and the same eerie feeling.
9 Must-Follow New Orleans Bloggers and Instagram Accounts
That was a long way to go about saying I wanted to share some New Orleanians that are showing the city in its entirety, not just the topical shit you see in travel guides and in magazines. Authentic New Orleans. So without further ado...
Instagram Accounts That'll Inspire
Think... Beings of New York, but more colors and smiles. Because, hey, we’re in New Orleans, after all.
This is the official handle for New Orleans, which means I’m inherently less trusting of it, and was inclined not to include it, for all of the reasons stated in the first paragraph. But if you’re visiting New Orleans, or even living here, it’s a good way to keep up with the abundance of events going on throughout the year so you can avoid FOMO.
Amazing photography featuring the beauty of Louisiana nature. Also has a gallery on Royal Street where you can check out his huge, gorgeous work.
Brandan “Bmike” Odums, the creator of Studio Be, is an acclaimed visual artist and filmmaker. His Instagram brings together his keen, creative eye and his passion for New Orleans and its communities. Also, if you haven’t yet: check out Studio Be.
If you’re looking for some Instagrammable locations here in New Orleans you really don’t have to look too hard, but this handle makes it even easier. Covers everything from the beautiful to the downright weird.
Blogs Worth Reading
As aforementioned, I was sad to see few New Orleanians have picked up the pen to talk about their city. There were two notable exceptions to this, but I hope I get lots of angry mail in the future about how I left out so many good ones (because I’d love to see them).
New Orleans Moms
Speaking from inexperience… if you’re a mom and in New Orleans, this is probably a good blog to check out? There’s a lot of great info on here about how to be a mom in New Orleans, which I’m willing to bet is kind of tricky. It covers a broad range of topics, from mental health to “how to host a cookie exchange party”.
Been Thayer Done That
Humbly providing you with a plucky, local view of New Orleans, travel, and personal misadventures. One of the few regularly updated blogs, this one is worth checking out if you’re looking for a unique spin on your New Orleans visit
Businesses That Make an Impression
As a freelance digital marketer, I love coming across businesses with great social media presences. New Orleans (of course) has a few that are doing things SO right.
They’re just so great at everything. I kind of have a crush on whoever their marketing manager is (please call me). Their content is hilarious, topical, and of course beautiful. I was doing some research for a baking client and checked Haydel’s page for some insight, and, before I knew it, had spent 45 minutes watching every video and reading every post on their page. I got sucked in so hard. It was so gooooood.
On the other side of the spectrum, there’s Stein’s Deli, an authentic NY-style deli whose social media features their curmudgeon owner falling asleep in various places, as well as other frequently hilarious and occasionally lewd pictures and videos. What you probably won’t find: actual pictures of the things they sell. Like, for instance, Augustiner (which is the only place in the city you can find it). It’s an amazing Bavarian beer and you should go to Stein’s and get one now.
That's all I've got! But again, if there's someone I've missed that would add value to all of our drunken, adventure-seeking lives, don't keep it to yourself! Pass that name along so we can all enjoy.